Show or hide profile fields on Workplace profiles

Computer Help
This article is only applicable to admins with relevant permissions.
To choose whether to show or hide a profile field on Workplace profiles:
  1. Click Admin Panel Admin Panel in the left menu on Workplace.
  2. Click Settings Settings.
  3. In the Profile fields tab, click Edit profile fields.
  4. Click the 3 dots More to the right of the profile field.
  5. Click either Show Show or Hide Hide.
  6. Click Done at the top of the page.
Which profile fields have to show on Workplace profiles?
The only 4 fields that have to show on Workplace profiles are:
  • Name
  • Position
  • Manager and reports
  • Work Teams
Other than these 4, you can choose which profile fields from Workplace accounts show on people’s profiles. Example: you can choose whether people’s locations are visible on their Workplace profile.
Profile fields can be used for creating auto membership rules for groups.

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